We Created The Go Dive Now Pool

The concept was simple: Put a portable pool at a the world-famous Oshkosh Airshow to promote diving for The Islands of The Bahamas. After a few exceedingly successful years, the publishers of Dive Training and Dive Center Business Magazines, Mark Young, Gary Worden and Jerry Beaty approached me and said “why don’t you take this concept on the road across America? Dive retailers really need this to help them grow their businesses.”

From those simple words, the concept was changed and a local dive shop manager, Dave Reidenbach was hired from Green Bay, WI, and “The Scuba Tour” was born. Special thanks went to The Bahamas Government, Richard Treco, and with support from Neal Watson and Stuart Cove, the concept flourished. After several more very successful years, the then President of DEMA, Werner Kurn, had the brilliant insight to acquire the pool tour for DEMA itself.

The Scuba Tour  was sold to DEMA in 2001, and still serves as the dive Industry’s first and only non-diving in-water experience marketing program for the industry in the USA. The pool program, now called the Go Dive Now pool tour has introduced over 200,000 non-divers to scuba over the years.

William Cline of Cline Group is proud to have created and launched this concept for the industry.